One Hundred Days of Solitude 2.0

Monday, June 14, 2004

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.

Today is Day 1.

I did a quick calculation that the 100th day will be on Wednesday September 22, 2004. It's a whole long way away. I wonder where and what I will be by then...

Today, I am grateful that I finished painting my glassware for sister's birthday this weekend. It is also Father's Day over the weekend. Mum said to paint something for him too. This means a visit to Ikea tomorrow.

In the background, my favourite Vanessa Mae's piece called Bach Street Prelude.

P.S. If you think the title is odd, perhaps it is. It's from Lewis Caroll's Alice in the Wonderland.


  • Lurve this new Blogger layout.

    Anyway, are you going to showcase your painting once completed? I hope you do as I like your painting AND the mangkuk/chopstik shot!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 14, 2004 at 11:47 PM  

  • Thank you. I am already working on some photoshot ideas since I will give them away this weekend. Will worry about the publishing later.

    P.s. I get an auto nofication in my mail account when a comment is sent to my blog. ;)

    By Blogger beeworks, at June 15, 2004 at 12:45 PM  

  • Good to know that Blogger now have auto-notif. for comments and all that. Will I get auto-notif. when you posted new entry? ;)

    Btw, Blogger and have colloborated in making uploading photos into Blogger easier. Check it out if you're interested to continue your photo blog.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at June 15, 2004 at 2:12 PM  

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